Dev-Mo Project. Prone Position
Lying in Prone Position
The prone or ventrigrade posture is the most basic and ancient posture, corresponding to the aquatic and amphibian stages of evolution. Although lying in the semi-supine position is perhaps the most crucial position for re-establishing conditions of coordination, lying in prone is also invaluable because it is the safest and most supported of all positions, allowing us to be in a completely secure position, to fully surrender ourselves to the support of the ground, and to take time to be quiet and to let the nervous system quiet down. As we will see, it is also the crucial starting point from which the infant begins to explore how to move in space.
Lying face down, bring your arms to your sides and allow the dorsum of each hand and foot to contact the ground. You may prefer to place a pillow or a larger folded towel under your chest, which will raise your trunk and head so that your nose isn't pressing into the floor. If you are not comfortable with your head facing into the ground, turn it to one side. Do not do anything at first; just lie quietly and feel the floor underneath you, noticing what parts of your body (chest, pelvic bones, knees and so on) bear weight.
You can vary the fully prone position and assume a more reptilian posture by advancing your elbow and knee on one side and turning your head toward the flexed or "advancing" limbs.
It is important to find a position that is comfortable so that you can fully enjoy this supportive and calming posture.