Mar 30, 2018
The Da Vinci Project, Part One. Basic Design Principles: The Contractile Function of Muscle
Muscle contraction is produced at a molecular level by the interaction between the interdigitating strands of myosin and actin molecules tha

Mar 26, 2018
Examples of Effortless Performance
Effortlessness, not virtuosity, is the hallmark of skill.
Mar 19, 2018
Non-Doing as a Skill
Non-doing: to refrain from doing as the basis for allowing the body to function naturally, and for learning to act in such a way that we do

Mar 12, 2018
Effortless Action: A Physiological Principle
Effortless and highly precise action is a principle of nature and can be found throughout the animal kingdom.

Mar 6, 2018
The Da Vinci Project, Part One. Basic Design Principles: Dynamic Opposition and Effortlessness in Na
Compression presses outward and muscles pull inwardly, the combined action creating direction of parts with a minimum of effort—a principle

Mar 1, 2018
The Da Vinci Project, Part One. Basic Design Principles: Compression or Tensegrity?
Our upright, vertical, weight-bearing spine is a constantly-moving variation of a more primitive animal design—one that preserves the basic