Dec 17, 2018
Managing Your Attention. Part 6. Results.
Sooner or later, the changes you want will start to occur. What then?

Dec 10, 2018
Managing Your Attention. Part 5. Adding a Wish
Now if you've gotten this far and feel you're ready for the next step, you can add wishing to the equation.

Dec 3, 2018
Managing Your Attention. Part 4. Getting Organized.
You're being aware in a structured way that doesn't focus on specific parts of the body but on the whole. Nothing may happen, you ma

Nov 26, 2018
Managing Your Attention. Part 3
Being aware of yourself and what is around you at the same time is sometimes referred to as an "expanded field of awareness," and

Nov 20, 2018
Managing Your Attention. Part 2
It may sound rather paradoxical to say that, if you want to be aware of yourself, you must be focused on what is around you, but that is how

Nov 7, 2018
The Means-Whereby Principle. Part 5
The object here is not to perform the song but to place the stimulus to sing in front of you as the basis for studying whether you tighten o

Nov 1, 2018
The Means-Whereby Principle. Part 4
Do not be in a hurry to get through the song but focus instead on giving your directions and on producing sound with as little effort as pos
Oct 27, 2018
The Means-Whereby Principle. Part 3.
Applying the means-whereby principle to an activity means little if, to begin with, you do not have an improved working of the primary contr
Oct 19, 2018
The Means-Whereby Principle. Part 2
To approach the process in a constructive way, we must have a clear goal.
Oct 15, 2018
The Means-Whereby Principle. Part 1
To make progress in approaching a skilled activity, we have to remember that the purpose is not to learn to juggle, but to use ourselves wel