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This Just In: Group classes now offered at The Dimon Institute!

Introducing, "THE HEALTHY BODY: Practical Knowledge to Reduce Pain and Restore Joint Function"

The Dimon Institute is excited to announce a new series of educational programming in response to the need for public access to Psychophysical Education & The Alexander Technique. Classes will cover a range of topics, including health & wellness, mindfulness, and vocal technique. This Fall, we are launching the first course in this line of programming:

THE HEALTHY BODY: Practical Knowledge to Reduce Pain and Restore Joint Function

It is common knowledge that the symptoms of musculoskeletal disorder are a chronic problem within our nation's communities. The 2016 Health Report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics** found that 29.1% of adults older than eighteen years had experienced back pain in the last three months; the same report found that 15.7% of adults older than eighteen years had experienced neck pain in the last three months. Many people afflicted with these and other localized symptoms of global musculoskeletal disorder simply accept them as part of "this mortal coil**," to reference Shakespeare's Hamlet. (F.M. Alexander was a big fan of William Shakespeare, and so are we!)

It is NOT common knowledge that these common symptoms have a cause and that knowledge of their cause affords a practical solution. We believe that the public must be empowered with this practical knowledge to achieve a national standard of musculoskeletal health. Musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction need not be paradigmatic of the human condition. At the Dimon Institute, we teach an educational model that is based on a unique and practical understanding of how the body works. Students of our course will learn how to address musculoskeletal conditions that are the source of chronic pain, and take steps toward preventing it in the future.

Don't be a statistic, and don't accept back pain as an unavoidable symptom of "this mortal coil"!

Not quite ready to commit to a six-session course? We are offering three 90-minute introductory courses to help you make a more informed decision.

Learn more about our classes and register here:

* Hamlet 3.1.75

**National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 2016: With Chartbook on Long-term Trends in Health. Hyattsville, MD. 2017.

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