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Anatomical Design and Function

The human being is the most complex structure in the known universe. Our upright posture, the hand and upper limb, the voice, vision, our complex nervous system—all of these combine to form a structure so vast in its complexity that it is hard to fathom. Although the biological sciences have elucidated the working of these systems, we have omitted, in our conception of educational development, the practical understanding of how to use these systems as the basis for healthful and efficient living.


Based upon his many years of practical and scientific research into the body’s design, Ted Dimon has developed a practical and theoretical course in anatomical design and function. In this course, students are introduced to the bones, muscles, and joints that make up the musculoskeletal system. Each part of the body—the upper limb and hand, the lower limb and foot, breathing, larynx and so on—is then examined in terms of the body’s larger functional design. Motivated by the insight that the body is organized around our upright posture and, based on this, is designed to function effortlessly, the study of our human anatomical design and function is given new meaning, transforming dry empirical information into a vital and meaningful subject.



Anatomy of the Moving Body

Anatomy in Action

The Body in Motion








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