Oct 19, 2018
The Means-Whereby Principle. Part 2
To approach the process in a constructive way, we must have a clear goal.

Jul 15, 2018
Head Balance and the Spine
The spine as a whole lengthens and the intervertebral discs, which regain their natural buoyancy, exert a hydraulic force against downward p

Jul 9, 2018
Head Balance and the Sacrospinalis Muscles
Posture is thus maintained by a combination of forces that includes the inertial force of head balance, which counteracts the pull of the ne

Jul 5, 2018
The Dev-Mo Project. The Primary Directions
There are, however, four main directions that relate specifically to the PNR system. Because these directions are so central to the working

Jul 2, 2018
Extensor Muscles and Head Balance
Thus the forward balance of the skull on the spine plays a central role, not only in the maintenance of the posture of the head but of uprig

Jun 19, 2018
The Forward Balance of the Skull
The skull’s tendency to roll forward means not only that muscles must act on it to keep it balanced, but that the skull itself acts back on

Feb 21, 2018
The Da Vinci Project, Part One. Basic Design Principles: Tensegrity
In tensegrity structures, the rigid members don’t bear weight but provide opposition to the tension members, which in turn pull on the compr